Current Course Offerings
American Ethnic Studies
AES 251 A: Race & Ethnic Diversity in the U.S. (cross-listed with ANT 325 A
AES 390 A: #Black Girl Magic (cross-listed with WGS 251 A & AAS 370 A)
AES 390 B: They Don’t Belong Here: Migration & Citizenship in a Changing World
COM 350 A: Intercultural Communication
COM 359 A: Diversity in Media
COM 370 D: Making & Manipulating Race in a Global Context
EDU 111 C: Inclusive Leadership: Leading with Character Across Differences
EDU 395 A: Teaching Diverse Learners
ENG 359 A: Studies in Postcolonial Literature
ENG 387 A: African American Fiction
HST 239 A: Jewish History in the Americas
HST 266 A: The History of the Slave South
HST 376 A: Civil Rights and Black Consciousness Movements
Politics and International Affairs
POL 210 A: Race in America
PSY 357 A: Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSY 364 A: Stereotyping and Prejudice
Department for the Study of Religions
REL 103 A: Introduction to Christian Traditions
REL 110 A-C: Introduction to Islamic Traditions
REL 113 A: Introduction to Jewish Traditions
REL 374 A: Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms
SOC 344 A: Social Justice in Theory, Method, & Practice
SOC 359 A: Race and Racism
SPA 356 A: Transgressing Borders: Identity in Latin-American & U.S. Latino Cultures
American Ethnic Studies
AES 390 A: Making Sense of the News through a Feminist Lens (cross-listed with WGS 271 A & JOU 375 F)
AES 310: Race, Class, and Gender in a Color-Blind Society (cross-listed with EDU 310 A)
ANT 114 A/B/C: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
COM 341 A: Class, Race, Sex, and War
COM 350 A: Intercultural Communication
ENG 302 A: Comics, Race, and Social Justice
ENG 381 B: Studies in African-American Literature
HST 376: Civil Rights and Black Consciousness Movements
Politics and International Affairs
POL 210 E: Topics in US Politics: Race, Sports, and Politics
POL 214 A: Latina/o/x Politics
PSY 357 A: Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSY 364 A: Stereotyping and Prejudice
Department for the Study of Religions
REL 103A A/B: Introduction to Christian Traditions
REL 113 A/B/C: Intro to Jewish Traditions
SOC 362 A: Work, Conflict, and Change
American Ethnic Studies
AES 251 A/ANT 325 A: Race and Ethnic Diversity in America
AES 310 A/EDU 310 A: Race, Class, and Gender in a Color-blind Society
AES 390 A: Women and Ethnicity
COM 330 A: Communication and Conflict
ENG 377 A: American Jewish Literature: Race, Rights, and Recognition
ENG 393 A: Multicultural American Drama
HST 272 A: African American History since 1870
MSC 108 A/B: American Music
Department for the Study of Religions
REL 113 A/B/C: Introduction to Jewish Traditions
REL 103A A/B: Introduction to Christian Traditions
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGS 364 A: Women of Color, Feminism, and the Politics of Resistance in the U.S.
ANT 111: People and Cultures of the World (3 sections)
Politics and International Affairs
POL 214: Latinx Politics
Department for the Study of Religions
REL 113: Introduction to Jewish Traditions (3 sections)
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGS 377: When Black Women Clap Back
WGS 377: Black Queer and Trans Studies